The most transparent & secure
AI Agent Ecosystem

Empower your teams with AI Agents and explore next generation efficiency.

Supporter & Partner

Build the most powerful Agents to support your Experts

We enable deploying custom agents in no time - customized, integrated and impactful.


better performance

Our Agents perform significantly better than General Knowledge Chatbots like ChatGPT.


week setup

Use customized solution within a few days live in production via our proprietary infrastructure.


more cost efficient

Focus on your core business while we run and maintain your AI Solution cost efficient.

BG Container V27 Image - Techfy X Webflow Template

Introducing Neurons

With Neurons we can automate any document related task, build agents and process documents. Neurons are intelligent and can be seamlessly connected to other tools.

Trusted by elite firms

Explore Use Cases

Our Agents can take over hundreds of use cases in high-stakes environments where complex reasoning and accuracy are essential.

What provisions do we have in place to protect personal data?

Chat Agents
Compliance, Finance, etc.

Automatically draft reference letter for your employees.

Document Automation
Legal, IT, Sales, etc.

Automate your Inbox based on custom labels.

Task Automation
Support, Legal, etc.

Compare a DPA with your Template.

Document Analysis
Vendor Due Dilligence, Legal, Sales

Deploy a custom trained Agent to take care about your customers.

Customer Interaction
Sales, Support

Draft a lawsuit based on our Template.

Document Automation
Legal, IT, Sales, etc.

Draft an NDA for the new Employee.

Document Automation
Legal, IT, Sales, etc.

Integrate with your tech stack

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